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排名 考点词 词性 常考中文词义 雅思阅读真题命题方式 备注
14 underlie v. 成为……基础 based on, ground, root
48 determine v. 决定 decide
34 constrain v. 束缚,限制 stop, control
36 supplement v. 补充 provision
37 distinguish v. 区别,辨别 separate, differentiate
39 emphasize v. 强调,着重 focus on, stress
41 imitate v. 模仿 mimic, copy
42 impair v. 削弱,减少 damage, diminish, decrease
43 hinder v. 阻碍 impede, prevent, deter, obstacle
49 accelerate v. 加速,促进;强调 speed up
57 secrete v. 分泌 discharge, exude
58 exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张 overstate
59 transmit v. 传达,传输 pass, send ,transfer
60 extinct v. 灭绝 die out, lost
62 guarantee v. 保证,担保 assure
74 settle v. 解决;定居,稳定 fix, figure out
75 sophisticate v. 使复杂 complicate
77 survive v. 存活,幸存 remain
90 threaten v. 威胁,危及 endanger, jeopardize, risk, hazard
102 consult v .查阅,商量,请教,咨询 ask for advice
105 co-ordinate v. 使……协调 organize, harmonize
115 erode v. 侵蚀 rust, damage
116 induce v. 引起,引诱 cause, lead to
118 integrate v. 使……成整体 combine, whole
x blight v. 损害;枯萎 destroy
x bungle v. 搞糟,拙劣地工作 mishandle
x cater v. 迎合;满足需求 serve
x certify v. 证明,保证 verify
x commute v. 通勤;用……交换 travel
x conceal v. 隐藏;隐瞒 hide
x concentrate v. 专心于;集中 focus
x concur v. 同意 agree
x confer v. 授予,给予 grant
x curb v. 限制,抑制 restrict
x dazzle v. 使目眩;使……眼花 flash
x detain v. 留住 hold
x devastate v. 毁坏,毁灭 wreck
x disclose v. 公开;揭露 expose
x disrupt v. 破坏 destroy
x distract v. 转移,分心 divert
x elaborate v. 详细阐述,详细叙述 illustrate
x eliminate v. 消除,排除 dispose
x evolve v. 进化,发展;逐渐形成 develop
x exploit v. 开发,利用 use
x indulge v. 沉溺(于) spoil
x infest v. 侵害;寄生于 plague
x mould v. 模压,塑造;塑造成 form
x obscure v. 掩盖,使模糊不清 hide
x overcome v. 克服 defeat
x overtake v. 赶上 surpass
x paralyse v. 使……麻痹;使……瘫痪 cannot move
x participate v. 参加 join
x peak n./v. 最高峰,顶点/使……达到顶峰 top
x persuade v. 说服,劝说 influence
x plagiarise v. 抄袭 copy
x plot v. 密谋 plan
x pose v. 提出,造成,形成 cause
x predict v. 预测,预知 expect
x prohibit v. 禁止的 not allowed
x prolong v. 拉长,延长 extend
x promote v. 促进,推销 improve
x prosper v. 使成功,使繁荣 success
x purify v. 净化 clean
x revive v. 使复苏,恢复 renaissance
x ruin v. 毁灭 destroy
x soar v. 激增 increase
x steer v. 控制,引导 manage
x stimulate v. 刺激,激励 motivate
x subdivide v. 把……细分 break down
x supersede v. 取代,代替 replace
x suppress v. 抑制,隐瞒 hold
x transcend v. 胜过,超越 excel


排名 考点词 词性 常考中文词义 雅思阅读真题命题方式 备注
16 fertiliser n. 化肥,肥料 chemical, toxic, unnatural
28 compensate n. 补偿,赔偿 make up, offset
31 criteria n. 标准 standard
32 curriculum n. 课程 syllabus, course of study
35 deficiency n. 缺陷,缺点 shortage, defect, weakness
46 convention n. 手法;习俗 method; tradition
55 immunity n. 免疫力 resistance
64 witness n. 见证,证据;目击者 view, see
71 principle n. 原理 rule
72 potential n. 潜能/adj.潜在的 possibility
83 faculty n. 能力,才能;全体教员 ability
85 dynamics n. 动力学 energy, force, move
86 incentive n. 刺激,鼓励;动机 motive, stimulus
87 mortality n. 死亡率 death
89 vicinity n. 邻近,附近 neighbourhood, nearby
92 bacteria n. 细菌 virus, germ, microbe
97 therapy n. 治疗,理疗 treatment
104 co-operation n. 合作,协作 support, work together
113 vanish n. 消失,绝迹 disappear
x adversity n. 逆境,不幸 trouble
x aggression n. 侵犯,侵害 attack
x altitude n. 高度,海拔 height
x attitude n. 看法,态度 opinion
x boundary n. 边界;底线 barrier
x burden n. 负担 load
x calamity n. 灾难 disaster
x commitment n. 承诺,许诺,义务;致力 engagement
x correlation n. 相关,关联 link
x courtship n. 求爱(时期) mate
x credibility n. 可信性 reliance
x criminal n. 罪犯,犯人 conviction
x crisis n. 危机 risk
x criticism n. 评论 condemn
x depression n. 抑郁,沮丧 frustration
x designate n. 指定;指派,标出 appoint
x drought n. 干旱 dry
x encyclopaedia n. 百科全书 entire range of knowledge
x entrepreneur n. 企业家 boss
x equator n. 赤道 geography
x estate n. 房地产 property
x evidence n. 迹象;证据 proof
x famine n. 饥荒 hunger
x foe n. 敌人,危害物 enemy
x hypothesis n. 假设 assumption
x installment n. 安装;分期付款 payment on its completion
x interaction n. 相互作用,交流互动 social activities
x interference n. 干涉 interdependence
x interior n./adj. 内部/内部的 inner
x likelihood n. 可能性 chance
x look-in n. 成功的机会 opportunity, chance
x mammal n. 哺乳动物 creature
x manufacture n. 生产 produce
x mechanism n. 机制,原理 method
x mercury n. 汞,水银 liquid metal
x moisture n. 水分,湿度 humidity
x motif n. 主题;图形 theme
x norm n. 规范 regulation
x notoriety n. 名声 famous
x obligation n. 义务 responsibility
x odour n. 气味 smell
x optimum n./adj. 最佳效果/最适宜的 best
x poverty n. 贫穷 poor
x praise n. 赞扬 commend
x reduction n. 下降,减少 decrease
x rehearsal n. 排演;预演;练习 preparation
x shade n. 遮阳;阴影 shelter
x skepticism n. 怀疑 doubt
x substance n. 物质;实质 matter
x sufficiency n. 足量,充足 enough
x supremacy n. 至高无上,很高的地位 priority
x symptom n. 症状,征兆 sign
x tension n. 紧张,不安 upset
x toll n./v. 通行费/征收 charge
x well-being n. 健康,康乐 health
x solicitor n. 律师 lawyer
x stride n. 进展 progress


排名 考点词 词性 常考中文词义 雅思阅读真题命题方式 备注
5 fundamental adj. 基本的,基础的 rudimentary, preliminary, basic
61 exclusive adj. 独有的;排外的;专一的 only
51 beneficial adj. 有益的 helpful, advantageous, wholesome
33 feasible adj. 可行的 realistic, viable
40 enormous adj. 庞大的,巨大的 massive, large
44 legitimate adj. 合法的 legal
52 chronic adj. 慢性的,长期性的 lasting
53 conscious adj. 有意识的,神志清醒的 aware, knowing
56 Imperative adj. 必要的,紧急的 compelling, necessary, urgent
65 magnetic adj. 有磁性的 attractive
88 peripheral adj. 外围的,次要的 unimportant, minor
95 innate adj. 天生的;内在的,直觉的 built-in, inborn
99 confidential adj. 机密的,秘密的 undisclosed, secret, hidden
100 cognitive adj. 认知的 mental
103 superior adj. 上级的;优秀的 higher, upper
111 fragile adj. 脆弱的 vulnerable
x addictive adj. 上瘾的 habit
x agreeable adj. 令人愉快的;合适的;和蔼可亲的 pleasant
x catastrophic adj. 灾难的 disastrous
x civic adj. 实名的 municipal
x communal adj. 公共的,公社的 public
x conservative adj. 保守的 traditional
x considerable adj. 相当大的,重要的 significant
x contingent adj. 因情况而异的 uncertain
x controversial adj. 有争论的 disputable
x damp adj. 潮湿的 wet
x democratic adj. 民主的 republic
x demographic adj. 人口统计学的;人口学 population statistic
x dental adj. 牙科的,牙齿的 teeth
x disparate adj. 不同的 different
x dominant adj. 占优势的,占支配地位的 overbearing
x dramatic adj. 戏剧化的;激动人心的,引人注意的 striking
x eco-friendly adj. 生态有好的,环保的 environmentally-friendly
x elusive adj. 难懂的,难捉摸的;行踪隐秘的 hard
x elderly adj. 高龄的 aged
x ethical adj. 道德的 moral
x exhausted adj. 疲惫的,耗尽的 fatigue
x explicit adj. 明确的 clear
x finite adj. 有限的 limited
x gifted adj. 有天赋的,有才华的 talented
x harsh adj. 艰难的;严酷的 rough
x impressive adj. 感人的;给人深刻印象的 touching
x inaccurate adj. 错误的 incorrect
x inappropriate adj. 不适当的 hard
x intense adj. 强烈的;紧张的;热情的 strong
x introverted adj. 内向的,含蓄的 shyness
x linguistic adj. 语言(学)的 language
x lopsided adj. 不平衡的 uneven
x marine adj. 海产的;航海的;海运的 sea
x mental adj. 精神的,心理的 intelligent
x meteorological adj. 气象学的 weather
x nocturnal adj. 夜间的,夜间发生的 night
x odd adj. 古怪的 strange
x offensive adj. 冒犯的,无礼的 hostile
x paramount adj. 最重要的,主要的 principal
x pessimistic adj. 悲观的 negative
x portable adj. 可携带的 conveyable
x relevant adj. 相关的 relative
x religious adj. 宗教的;虔诚的 sacred
x reluctant adj. 不情愿的 unwilling
x scenic adj. 风景优美的 beautiful
x subtle adj. 微妙的 delicate
x suspicious adj. 可疑的 odd
x sustainable adj. 可持续的 long-term
x tremendous adj. 巨大的,惊人的 vast
x tropical adj. 热带的 hot
x unbiased adj. 公正的,无偏见的 fair
x valuable adj. 宝贵的,有价值的 benefit
x versatile adj. 多功能 all-around
x violent adj. 暴力的;猛烈的 fierce


排名 考点词 词性 常考中文词义 雅思阅读真题命题方式 备注
x erratically adv. 不定的,无视规律地 unpredictably
x eventually adv. 最后,终于 finally
x solely adv. 唯一地 alone
x throughout adv. 自始至终,到处;全部 anywhere
x succumb vi. 屈服 yield
93 be subject to 受…...支配 face
94 be liable to 易于…… potential
101 comply with 照做,遵守 obey
x be consistent with 与……一致 compatible
x in accordance with 依照;与……一致 conform
x out of the question 不可能 impossible
x plenty of 大量的 many
x refer to 指(的是),涉及,提及 talk about